The eBook no writer should
miss out on.

Become a consistent writer.Find much-needed motivation.Grow explosive confidence.

Here's what you will get in the Ebook

A sneak peek into the Ebook "Every Writer Needs To Read This":

✅ 5 rules of writing you need to tape to your desk

✅ What to do when you don't feel like writing

✅ The secret of Ed Sheeran's writing process

✅ 6 questions every writer needs answers to

✅ The secret ritual of all consistent writers

✅ The writing advice that changed my life

✅ The 10 minute rule no writer should miss out on

✅ The unmissable lesson from Priyanka Chopra's success

✅ Why you should forget about "writing good"

✅ Why I share the picture of a $97 masterclass

And much, much more!

A bit about me

Btw, who am I?

A CA and a CS with experience of 9+ years of:

  • Internal Audit, communicating with people with 20+ years of experience since my year 2 of work

  • Worked as a writer and full-time Content Manager with Ankur Warikoo for a total of 3.5 years

  • I ghostwrite books for CXOs. (yes!!!)

  • Wrote my first book at the age of 23. I turn 33 this June :)

  • Also the ghostwriter of two bestselling books - Do Epic Shit and Get Epic Shit Done (got a mention in both of them).

  • Written/ghostwritten/in the process of writing a total of 12 books, 2,250+ blog posts, 1,840+ posts on LinkedIn, 11,000+ tweets, and a social media following of 70,000+ online. And counting.

But I'd suggest you don't believe me.Believe what others are saying:

I wish I had this book when I was starting out.